Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 2 - Senedd



Meeting date:
Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Sarah Beasley
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8032







At its meeting on 13 November, the Committee agreed a Motion under Standing Order 17.42 (vi) to resolve to exclude the public from item 1 of today's meeting



1    Consideration of the Legislative Consent Memorandum - Modern Slavery Bill (09.00 - 09.15) (Pages 1 - 5)



2    Introductions, apologies and substitutions 



3    Inquiry into Poverty in Wales - evidence session 4: Children's organisations (09.15 - 10.15) (Pages 6 - 74)

Save the Children

Mary Powell-Chandler, Head of Save the Children


Barnardo’s Cymru

Dr Sam Clutton, Assistant Director Policy, Barnardo’s Cymru on behalf of End Child Poverty Network (ECPN)


Children in Wales

Catriona Williams, Children in Wales End Child Poverty Network Cymru and Commissioner on the UK Social Mobility Child Poverty Commission



Break (10.15 - 10.30)



4    Inquiry into Poverty in Wales - evidence session 5: Women's organisations (10.30 - 11.30) (Pages 75 - 85)

Women’s Turnaround Service, Changing Lives

Miriam Merkova, Service Manager


Chwarae Teg

Natasha Davies, Policy Partner

Christine O’Byrne, Policy and Research Lead



5    Inquiry into Poverty in Wales - evidence session 6: The Trussell Trust (11.30 - 12.00) (Pages 86 - 91)

The Trussell Trust

Tony Graham, Foodbank Network Manager (Wales)

Adrian Curtis, UK Director



6    Papers to note  (Pages 92 - 179)

To access:


CELG(4)-31-14 Paper 8 – Annexe 2:


CELG(4)-31-14 Paper 8 – Annexe 3



7    Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting and from item 1 of the meeting on 3 December 2014 (further consideration of the LCM for the Modern Slavery Bill) 



8    Inquiry into Poverty in Wales: discussion of evidence received in sessions 4, 5 and 6 (12.00 - 12.10)
